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Undergraduate Opportunities

We are always looking for highly-motivated, interested students to join the lab. All majors are welcome to apply to be an research assistant and prior experience with research or in a lab is not required. Students from underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply. Research assistants help in the running of studies, recruitment of families, coding of data, and other parts of a successful research project. Research assistants can receive credit for their work through an independent study (Psych 4990), can volunteer in the lab, or simply join for lively discussions at lab meetings. Dr. Kucker has also mentored a number of Wentz scholars, honors thesis and McNair Scholar projects; students interested in these avenues are welcome to reach out and discuss options. All research assistants must complete a short application (found below; to be emailed to Dr. Kucker when complete) and if applicable, meet to discuss the possibilities with Dr. Kucker.

Prospective and Current Graduate Student Opportunities

Dr. Kucker anticipates accepting a graduate student for the fall of 2022. Importantly, Dr. Kucker seeks students who are committed to engaging in developmental and cognitive research and demonstrate an aptitude and passion for psychological rigor, regardless of specific background or experiences. Dr. Kucker and the LLD lab recognize that such aptitude and passion may arise from a variety of backgrounds, including those that are less traditional. As such, students of all backgrounds are encouraged to apply, especially those from underrepresented groups.  Prospective students should reach out to Dr. Kucker to discuss interest in the lab, potential fit, and learn more about the Experimental Psychology PhD program at Oklahoma State University. More information about the application process can be found here.
Current graduate students (from any department) interested in finding out more about the lab or current studies are encouraged to contact Dr. Kucker via email. There are many opportunities for collaborations across labs, departments, and even universities.

Prospective Research Assistants

If you are interested in becoming a member of the lab, see below and contact Dr. Kucker directly at

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Language, Learning, & Development Lab. Department of Psychology. Oklahoma State University

Follow us! @LLDlab

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